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"I used to just, if I saw a demon afflicting a person, I would just wanna cast those things out. I've come to realize now that if I take authority over 'em and cast 'em out just on my faith, well those things are gonna come back on that person."

—Andrew Wommack


"I used to just, if I saw a demon afflicting the person, I would just wanna cast those things out. I've come to realize now that if I take authority over 'em and cast 'em out just on my faith, well those things are gonna come back on that person. And in some ways I'm doing them a disservice because Jesus said if you cast a demon out, it wants to come back with 7 spirits worse than himself. I've come to realize that the best way to get a person delivered is to tell 'em the truth. To tell them about how Jesus has promised them victory, to instruct them, to teach them in the Word of God. And if you'll do that, most of the time the demons leave without me even having to rebuke them. I could give you hundreds of examples of that. I mean severe demon possession, where people were totally non-functional. And yet when they sat and listened to the truth, they were delivered before I could even pray for 'em."—Andrew Wommack

“At this point God taught me another important lesson: He would do for me what I could not do for myself, but He would not do for me what He required me to do for myself. God had responded to my cry and delivered me from the spirit of heaviness, but after that He held me responsible to exercise scriptural discipline over my own thoughts.” Derek Prince

Mel - I asked if it was anointing or rights. You don't have authority over a preson's will. 


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