“There are so many people who want to enter these dimensions of glory without having identified or uprooted all this terrible weight of iniquity within them. And the thing is, his glory does not manifest, and they continue to pray and pray, and they don't understand why nothing is happening. We have to see where these iniquities are; it is necessary and it is a wonderful step to take.”
—Ana Louceiro Plattner
What is iniquity?
Whereas SIN means "to miss the mark," INIQUITY is more deeply rooted. The build-up of unrepentant sin over generations is sometimes pictured as a “cup of iniquity” being filled to the brim. To commit iniquity is to continue without repentance.
Righteousness and iniquity are two spiritual forces that have a tremendous force of attraction on themselves. The first one is intrinsically tied to the throne of God, and the other one is tied to the devil. Righteousness is an attribute of the Lord that is going to align everything with the Kingdom of God. On the other hand, iniquity is the force that twists and perverts everything, separating it from all the designs of God.
God’s righteousness and iniquity are going to be constantly clashing and colliding against each other. The righteousness of God contains within itself a powerful force that is going to continually be judging iniquity, and fighting against it, so the Lord can align us with everything that he is. This force also pulls everything that has to do with the Kingdom of Heaven, and all the blessings that come from above. It pulls towards itself all spiritual and material reaches. And this is because righteousness is intimately tied to the glory of God. Because they go hand in hand, manifesting themselves simultaneously, blessings are drawn to the very place where the glory of God is in. And this glory can only manifest when righteousness has begun to transform us as a child of God.
In order for the glory to exercise its power of attraction over all the blessings and all the attributes of the Kingdom of heaven on this earth, it is necessary for the righteousness of God to remove the iniquity from our being. And here, I am talking about the righteousness of who we are, and not of things that we do.
There are so many people that want to enter these dimensions of glory without having identified or uprooted all this terrible weight of iniquity within them. And the thing is, his glory does not manifest, and they continue to pray and pray, and they don't understand why nothing is happening. We have to see where these iniquities are; it is necessary and it is a wonderful step to take.
It’s very important that we have this very clear; that just as the love of God cannot stop loving us, the righteousness of God will not stop judging us. In divine terms, God's judgments are setting out to establish his righteousness. Whenever we find iniquity, God’s judgments are going to be manifested.
When our tongue has slandered and abused somebody, it’s very important not only to repent and ask for forgiveness, but also restitution is necessary.
We have to analyze these sins and cancel the curses, as well as to ask for forgiveness and uproot that iniquity.
If you're still hungry . . .