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"The operation of blessings or curses in our lives is not haphazard or unpredictable. On the contrary, both of them operate according to eternal, unchanging laws. It is to the Bible that we must look for a correct understanding of these laws. Proverbs 26:2 establishes this principle: 'A curse without a cause shall not alight.' Behind every curse that comes upon us, there is a cause. If it seems that we are under a curse, we should seek to determine its cause. Then we will be in a position to take appropriate action against it."


—Derek Prince


Indications of God's Blessing:

  • Exultation (joy, elation, triumph)

  • Health

  • Reproductiveness (bearing fruit in all areas of life)

  • Prosperity

  • Victory

  • God's favor


Indications of a Curse:

  • Mental or emotional breakdown

  • Repeated or chronic sicknesses, especially hereditary 

  • Barrenness, miscarriages, or female problems

  • Breakdown of marriage or family alienation

  • Continuing financial insufficiency 

  • Being accident-prone

  • A history of suicides and unnatural or untimely deaths

Causes of a Curse:

  • Worshiping false gods; participating in the occult

  • Various moral and ethical sins, dishonoring parents

  • Anti-semitism

  • Legalism, religion, self-sufficiency

  • Theft, perjury, robbing God

  • Authority figures' negative words

  • Self-imposed curses

  • Servants of Satan

  • Soulish talk

  • Soulish prayers


Woah. What a night.  The discussion was top notch. Thanks everyone for ministering to Leona so beautifully. After we prayed she said her intense nerve pain went way down. And there were just so many other testimonies... just, wow. 

Where are we in the process? 

We are starting to understand what types of things can open the door to demons. Next, we'll start seeking the Holy Spirit for direct revelation regarding our own situation. If you get confused or overwhelmed, just remember deliverance is simply about determining the cause of a curse, and getting it under the blood.


Deliverance = rejecting lies and agreeing with truth. 



© 2024 Life by the Spirit. "Christ Healing the Blind Man" by artist Brian Jekel, used with permission.

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