"There is one and only one all-sufficient basis for every provision of God's mercy: The Exchange that took place on the cross. All who desire to pass from curse to blessing must go through the same door. First there must be a clear recognition of the issues that God sets before us. Then there must be a simple, positive response. Once we have made this choice, we can claim release from any cures over our lives."
—Derek Prince
The Exchange that took place on the Cross
Jesus was punished that we might be forgiven.
Jesus was wounded that we might be healed.
Jesus was made sin with our sinfulness, that we might become righteous with his righteousness.
Jesus died our death that we might share his life.
Jesus became poor with our poverty, that we might become rich with his riches.
Jesus bore our shame, that we might share his glory.
Jesus endured our rejection, that we might have his acceptance as children of God.
Jesus became a curse that we might receive a blessing.
Seven Steps to Release
Confess your faith in Christ and his sacrifice on your behalf.
Repent of all rebellion and sin, including generational.
Claim forgiveness of all sins
Forgive all others who have ever wronged you.
Renounce all contact with anything occult or satanic.
Pray the prayer of release from any curse.
Believe you have received, and go in God's blessing.
You guys, tonight was 🔥🔥🔥
Unbelievable testimonies and powerful time of prayer... wowsers.
Yes, the warfare is strong but we are going to push through and see these mountains move, no question about that. We have inside of us the same power that resurrected Christ from the dead. And then with all of us linking arms? Unstoppable. God is on the move. I can only imagine how different our lives will look in the coming months.
Also wanted to tell you about a new playlist I made. "Scripture Lullabies" is amazing for sleep, or if you're having any anxiety or oppressive thoughts. Link below.
Are you feeling like others are having breakthrough, but not you? Lies from the pit of hell. There are massive changes going on inside you even if you haven't seen a tangible breakthrough yet. What he does for others, he'll do do for you. PERIODDDT. You are an equally loved and valuable member of the group.
More on this subject:
Dan Mohler Kidneystone Story (talks about the balance between medical & supernatural)
"The Screwtape Letters" by CS Lewis (thanks for the recommendation, Leona)