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"The seventy-two returned with joy and said, 'Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name.' He replied, 'I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you. However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.'"

—Luke 10:17-20


Hi everyone, it was good to see you on Monday! Be sure to stay caught up since we're moving into sensitive territory with the deliverance stuff. I've had some really amazing experiences this week and wow, let's just say Jesus is alive and deliverance is real! Excited to see all of us free and walking in the fullness of the Original Design.

"Demons are like rats, and rats go for garbage. With certain exceptions, then, it is the presence of spiritual and emotional garbage that allows demons to enter—if they have not already come in by inheritance. Furthermore, their strength is calibrated to the amount and kind of garbage present in the person. Those with many problems of the kinds listed above will have strong demons; those with fewer will have weak demons. 

Though the presence of such problems may not in and of itself prove that there are demons present, if there are demons, it is because they have such problems to attach themselves to. Getting rid of garbage, then, weakens any demons that may be present."



  • Ask the Lord to reveal any final areas where you need to “clean house.” These will be areas where there is "garbage" festering inside you, whether it's unforgiveness, insecurity, fear, addictions, compulsions, codependency, lies, self esteem issues, enmeshment, unhealthy relationships . . . Whatever it may be, ask him to shine a spotlight on it. As we get rid of the garbage, the rats will scatter.


More on this subject:​


© 2024 Life by the Spirit. "Christ Healing the Blind Man" by artist Brian Jekel, used with permission.

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