"The spirit of rejection thrives upon those who have been abused emotionally, mentally and physically.
But listen to The Spirit, my Love. Listen to The One who accepts you unconditionally! I will never, no NEVER reject
the one who comes to me. Agree with this evil spirit no longer but come into agreement with me."
—Deborah Waldron Fry
"Life is too short to think you're unlovable because someone didn't know how to love you."
—Caroline Leaf
"When I started in deliverance about 1964, I was like a man attacking a tree. What I was doing was lopping off the top twigs. Things like nicotine and alcohol. Well I soon discovered that addictions are twigs that grow on branches, which are frustrations. And if you want to deal with any kind of addiction, you've got to find out the basic frustration and deal with that. When you cut the lower branch off, you hardly have to bother with the twigs. Well, I got nearer and nearer to the trunk, and finally to the roots, which is where God deals. And when I came to the roots, I discovered the root of all roots: rejection."—Derek Prince
Self pity
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